Youth Council
It is essential that all aspects of Youth Elemento reflect the wants and needs of the young adults who use the center. Each month we host a meeting for our Youth Council, where we update our young adults on happenings and changes at the center and most importantly, we ask for youth feedback. For example, young adults share ideas for groups and activities they want to see at the center, and we incorporate those ideas into our monthly events calendar.
Thank you @challiance for another fantastic workshop! Young adults learned the importance of hygiene and how it can affect your physical and mental health. ¡Gracias @challiance por otro taller fantástico! Los adultos jóvenes aprendieron la importancia de la higiene y cómo puede afectar su salud física y mental. #youthspace #mentalhealth #learningispower

Is it February already!? Indeed it is! Check out our activities calendar. This month we are especially excited to start filming our Youth Podcast. We will be closed for drop-in a few days but we will be available via zoom or phone calls/texts. ¿¡Ya es febrero!? ¡De hecho lo es! Consulta nuestro calendario de actividades. Este mes estamos especialmente emocionados de comenzar a filmar nuestro Podcast Juvenil. Estaremos cerrados durante unos días, pero estaremos disponibles a través de zoom o llamadas telefónicas/mensajes de texto. #february #podcast #mentalhealth #youthspaces

Our very own Cristina is now officially a Certified Peer Specialist! Cristina has completed 90 hours of training and is certified by @kiva_centers and @massdmh! We appreciate you so much Cristina, Youth Elemento is proud of your accomplishments 🎉 ¡Nuestra propia Cristina ahora es oficialmente una Especialista Certificada! Cristina ha completado 90 horas de formación y está certificada por @kiva_centers y @massdmh! Te apreciamos mucho Cristina, Elemento Juvenil está orgulloso de tus logros 🎉

Thank you @challiance for conducting a body image workshop for the young adults at our center. This topic is extremely important and we learned so much! We are all looking forward to your hygiene workshop in a few weeks. Gracias @challiance por realizar un taller de imagen corporal para los jóvenes de nuestro centro. ¡Este tema es extremadamente importante y aprendimos mucho! Todos esperamos con ansias su taller de higiene dentro de unas semanas. #youthspace #youthmentalhealth #education

Happy New Year and Welcome 2025! We are starting the year by announcing that we will now be open every Monday from 1pm-5pm to meet the needs of young adults working one-on-one with their mentors or are in need of one-on-one support. To book an appointment with us, please reach out. ¡Feliz año nuevo y bienvenido 2025! Comenzamos el año anunciando que ahora estaremos abiertos todos los lunes de 1 p. m. a 5 p. m. para satisfacer las necesidades de los adultos jóvenes que trabajan individualmente con sus mentores o que necesitan apoyo personalizado. Para reservar una cita con nosotros, comuníquese con nosotros. #newyear #january2025 #youthmentalhealth

As we finish up the year, we’d like to thank everyone who has supported our program. Thank you to all the families and youth that have walked through our doors and made this program what it is today. Can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store for us. Al terminar el año, nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que han apoyado nuestro programa. Gracias a todas las familias y jóvenes que cruzaron nuestras puertas e hicieron de este programa lo que es hoy. No puedo esperar a ver lo que nos depara el 2025. #newyear #2025 #youthmentalhealth

Last week recap! We decorated cookies, teamed up to create gingerbread houses and did a scavenger hunt. Tomorrow we will be hosting a new year’s breakfast!¡Resumen de la semana pasada! Decoramos galletas, nos asociamos para crear casas de pan de jengibre e hicimos una búsqueda del tesoro. ¡Mañana organizaremos un desayuno de año nuevo! #youthmentalhealth #holidayactivities #youthcenter